Appendix A. Tools


Overview of tools that were used on the sharpschedule project.

The following tools are used on the sharpschedule system:

  1. NAnt: Build automation.
  2. NAntContrib: Build automation.
  3. Log4net: Logging.
  4. NUnit: Unit testing framework.
  5. NUnitAsp: Unit testing framework for asp pages.
  6. Gentle .Net: Persistence framework with configurable database targets.
  7. Mono: .net framework for Linux/ Win32.
  8. MS.Net Framework: .net framework for Win32.
  9. DbDesigner: MySql database modelling.
  10. MySql: Primary database target.
  11. MySql Admin: Database administration tool.
  12. MySql Control Center: Database Client tool.
  13. Apache FOP: Generation of pdf reports and user documentation.
  14. MSDE: Alternate database...not updated recently :-(