
PopUpCalendar Members

PopUpCalendar overview

Public Static (Shared) Fields

CONTROL_ID Constant that is used to identify the rendered control attribute that javascript will use to identify.
INITIAL_DATE Initial date constant.

Public Instance Constructors

PopUpCalendar ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the PopUpCalendar class.

Public Instance Properties

Application (inherited from Page) 
BindingContainer (inherited from Control) 
Cache (inherited from Page) 
ClientID (inherited from Control) 
ClientTarget (inherited from Page) 
Controls (inherited from Control) 
EnableViewState (inherited from Page) 
ErrorPage (inherited from Page) 
ID (inherited from Page) 
IsPostBack (inherited from Page) 
IsReusable (inherited from Page) 
IsValid (inherited from Page) 
NamingContainer (inherited from Control) 
Page (inherited from Control) 
Parent (inherited from Control) 
Request (inherited from Page) 
Response (inherited from Page) 
Server (inherited from Page) 
Session (inherited from Page) 
Site (inherited from Control) 
SmartNavigation (inherited from Page) 
TemplateSourceDirectory (inherited from Control) 
Trace (inherited from Page) 
UniqueID (inherited from Control) 
User (inherited from Page) 
Validators (inherited from Page) 
ViewStateUserKey (inherited from Page) 
Visible (inherited from Page) 

Public Instance Methods

DataBind (inherited from Control) 
DateSelector_DayRender Render the day.
DateSelector_SelectionChanged Handles the date selection change event which should populate the client side control with the date selected.
DesignerInitialize (inherited from Page) 
Dispose (inherited from Control) 
Equals (inherited from Object) 
FindControl (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetPostBackClientEvent (inherited from Page) 
GetPostBackClientHyperlink (inherited from Page) 
GetPostBackEventReference (inherited from Page)Overloaded.  
GetType (inherited from Object) 
GetTypeHashCode (inherited from Page) 
HasControls (inherited from Control) 
IsClientScriptBlockRegistered (inherited from Page) 
IsStartupScriptRegistered (inherited from Page) 
LoadControl (inherited from TemplateControl) 
LoadTemplate (inherited from TemplateControl) 
MapPath (inherited from Page) 
ParseControl (inherited from TemplateControl) 
ProcessRequest (inherited from Page) 
RegisterArrayDeclaration (inherited from Page) 
RegisterClientScriptBlock (inherited from Page) 
RegisterHiddenField (inherited from Page) 
RegisterOnSubmitStatement (inherited from Page) 
RegisterRequiresPostBack (inherited from Page) 
RegisterRequiresRaiseEvent (inherited from Page) 
RegisterStartupScript (inherited from Page) 
RegisterViewStateHandler (inherited from Page) 
RenderControl (inherited from Control) 
ResolveUrl (inherited from Control) 
SetRenderMethodDelegate (inherited from Control) 
ToString (inherited from Object) 
Validate (inherited from Page) 
VerifyRenderingInServerForm (inherited from Page) 

Public Instance Events

AbortTransaction (inherited from TemplateControl) 
CommitTransaction (inherited from TemplateControl) 
DataBinding (inherited from Control) 
Disposed (inherited from Control) 
Error (inherited from TemplateControl) 
Init (inherited from Control) 
Load (inherited from Control) 
PreRender (inherited from Control) 
Unload (inherited from Control) 

Protected Instance Fields

DateSelector Calendar used to select the date.
JavaScriptCode Javascript code to popup a new calendar.

Protected Instance Properties

AspCompatMode (inherited from Page) 
AutoHandlers (inherited from TemplateControl) 
Buffer (inherited from Page) 
ChildControlsCreated (inherited from Control) 
CodePage (inherited from Page) 
ContentType (inherited from Page) 
Context (inherited from Page) 
Culture (inherited from Page) 
EnableViewStateMac (inherited from Page) 
Events (inherited from Control) 
FileDependencies (inherited from Page) 
HasChildViewState (inherited from Control) 
IsTrackingViewState (inherited from Control) 
LCID (inherited from Page) 
ResponseEncoding (inherited from Page) 
SupportAutoEvents (inherited from TemplateControl) 
TraceEnabled (inherited from Page) 
TraceModeValue (inherited from Page) 
TransactionMode (inherited from Page) 
UICulture (inherited from Page) 
ViewState (inherited from Control) 
ViewStateIgnoresCase (inherited from Control) 

Protected Instance Methods

AddParsedSubObject (inherited from Control) 
AspCompatBeginProcessRequest (inherited from Page) 
AspCompatEndProcessRequest (inherited from Page) 
BuildProfileTree (inherited from Control) 
ClearChildViewState (inherited from Control) 
Construct (inherited from TemplateControl) 
CreateChildControls (inherited from Control) 
CreateControlCollection (inherited from Control) 
CreateHtmlTextWriter (inherited from Page) 
CreateResourceBasedLiteralControl (inherited from TemplateControl) 
DeterminePostBackMode (inherited from Page) 
EnsureChildControls (inherited from Control) 
Finalize (inherited from Object) 
FindControl (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
FrameworkInitialize (inherited from TemplateControl) 
InitOutputCache (inherited from Page) 
IsLiteralContent (inherited from Control) 
LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium (inherited from Page) 
LoadViewState (inherited from Control) 
MapPathSecure (inherited from Control) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 
OnAbortTransaction (inherited from TemplateControl) 
OnBubbleEvent (inherited from Control) 
OnCommitTransaction (inherited from TemplateControl) 
OnDataBinding (inherited from Control) 
OnError (inherited from TemplateControl) 
OnInitMissing <summary> documentation for M:Ozanam.Schedule.Web.Util.PopUpCalendar.OnInit(System.EventArgs)
OnLoad (inherited from Control) 
OnPreRender (inherited from Control) 
OnUnload (inherited from Control) 
RaiseBubbleEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaisePostBackEvent (inherited from Page) 
Render (inherited from Control) 
RenderChildren (inherited from Control) 
SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium (inherited from Page) 
SaveViewState (inherited from Control) 
SetStringResourcePointer (inherited from TemplateControl) 
TrackViewState (inherited from Control) 
WriteUTF8ResourceString (inherited from TemplateControl) 

Protected Internal Instance Methods

AddedControl (inherited from Control) 
RemovedControl (inherited from Control) 

See Also

PopUpCalendar Class | Ozanam.Schedule.Web.Util Namespace