
ViewClients Methods

The methods of the ViewClients class are listed below. For a complete list of ViewClients class members, see the ViewClients Members topic.

Public Instance Methods

Back_Click Back click event.
ClientDisplay_Edit Display client edit screen.
ClientDisplay_PageIndexChanged Advance the datagrid if the page has changed.
ClientDisplay_Sort Handle the custom sort command.
DataBind Bind the data on the form.
DesignerInitialize (inherited from Page) 
Dispose (inherited from Control) 
Equals (inherited from Object) 
FindControl (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetPostBackClientEvent (inherited from Page) 
GetPostBackClientHyperlink (inherited from Page) 
GetPostBackEventReference (inherited from Page)Overloaded.  
GetType (inherited from Object) 
GetTypeHashCode (inherited from Page) 
HasControls (inherited from Control) 
IsClientScriptBlockRegistered (inherited from Page) 
IsStartupScriptRegistered (inherited from Page) 
LoadControl (inherited from TemplateControl) 
LoadTemplate (inherited from TemplateControl) 
MapPath (inherited from Page) 
ParseControl (inherited from TemplateControl) 
ProcessRequest (inherited from Page) 
RegisterArrayDeclaration (inherited from Page) 
RegisterClientScriptBlock (inherited from Page) 
RegisterHiddenField (inherited from Page) 
RegisterOnSubmitStatement (inherited from Page) 
RegisterRequiresPostBack (inherited from Page) 
RegisterRequiresRaiseEvent (inherited from Page) 
RegisterStartupScript (inherited from Page) 
RegisterViewStateHandler (inherited from Page) 
RenderControl (inherited from Control) 
ResolveUrl (inherited from Control) 
SetRenderMethodDelegate (inherited from Control) 
ToString (inherited from Object) 
Validate (inherited from Page) 
VerifyRenderingInServerForm (inherited from Page) 

Protected Instance Methods

AddParsedSubObject (inherited from Control) 
AspCompatBeginProcessRequest (inherited from Page) 
AspCompatEndProcessRequest (inherited from Page) 
BuildProfileTree (inherited from Control) 
ClearChildViewState (inherited from Control) 
Construct (inherited from TemplateControl) 
CreateChildControls (inherited from Control) 
CreateControlCollection (inherited from Control) 
CreateHtmlTextWriter (inherited from Page) 
CreateResourceBasedLiteralControl (inherited from TemplateControl) 
DeterminePostBackMode (inherited from Page) 
EnsureChildControls (inherited from Control) 
Finalize (inherited from Object) 
FindControl (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
FrameworkInitialize (inherited from TemplateControl) 
InitOutputCache (inherited from Page) 
IsLiteralContent (inherited from Control) 
LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium (inherited from Page) 
LoadViewState (inherited from Control) 
MapPathSecure (inherited from Control) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 
OnAbortTransaction (inherited from TemplateControl) 
OnBubbleEvent (inherited from Control) 
OnCommitTransaction (inherited from TemplateControl) 
OnDataBinding (inherited from Control) 
OnError (inherited from TemplateControl) 
OnInitMissing <summary> documentation for M:Ozanam.Schedule.Web.Manage.Clients.ViewClients.OnInit(System.EventArgs)
OnLoad (inherited from Control) 
OnPreRender (inherited from Control) 
OnUnload (inherited from Control) 
RaiseBubbleEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaisePostBackEvent (inherited from Page) 
Render (inherited from Control) 
RenderChildren (inherited from Control) 
SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium (inherited from Page) 
SaveViewState (inherited from Control) 
SetStringResourcePointer (inherited from TemplateControl) 
TrackViewState (inherited from Control) 
WriteUTF8ResourceString (inherited from TemplateControl) 

Protected Internal Instance Methods

AddedControl (inherited from Control) 
RemovedControl (inherited from Control) 

See Also

ViewClients Class | Ozanam.Schedule.Web.Manage.Clients Namespace