
ClientControl Fields

The fields of the ClientControl class are listed below. For a complete list of ClientControl class members, see the ClientControl Members topic.

Protected Instance Fields

AddressId The id of the block.
BirthDate Birth date.
City City.
CityRequired City is a required field.
ClientAddressTable The table that contains the client address information.
ClientDetails Client details table, holds address and comment information.
ClientId Id of the client.
ClientPhoto Client photograph.
EffectiveDate Client effective date.
EffectiveDatePopUp Link to the date popup.
Email Email.
ExpiryDate Expiry date.
FirstName Client first name.
FirstNameRequired Required field valdiator.
HealthCareNumber Health care number.
HealthCareNumberRequired Field is required.
LastName Client last name.
LastNameRequired Required field valdiator.
NewClientPhoto Client photo upload box.
Phone1 Phone number 1.
Phone1Required The first phone number is required.
Phone1Valid Validates phone number 1.
Phone2 Phone number 2.
Phone2Valid Validates phone number 2.
PostalCode Postal Code.
PostalCodeValid Validates postal code.
Province Province.
ProvinceRequired Province is a required field.
ShowHideAddress Show or hide the address table.
StreetAddress Street address.
StreetAddressRequired Street address is a required field.
ValidEmail Ensure that the email is valid.

See Also

ClientControl Class | Ozanam.Schedule.Web.Controls Namespace